
  • So I returned from oz (for the second time) christmas with the family (it snowed)… ahh. since then i’ve been stuck to my laptop and the white horse in brixton. though in this time a few great opportunities came up, especially this couple, whom asked me to do a photoshoot for them. this is one…

  • 17th December 2004 so nearly a year since i started my travels, i’m sitting on a flight home and i feel like i’ve only just dipped my toe in the water. i’ve met so many amazing people, discovered stunning landscapes, got really drunk (the important things) seems only fitting to finish with one last tounge…

  • Penang in Malaysia. it’s alright, there’s plenty here to be unimpressed about. The most interesting thing is due to the fact that malaysia’s population is made up of thai, indian, chinese, indonesian and the malays… most speak english as a common tongue. which is nice. hired a motor bike, climbed a hill, this is proof.…

  • so due to the fact that i’m quite seriously considering being a dildo distributor, i had to buy a prototype.. yup white gold with pearl etc. worth about £300. just waiting to be stopped by customs. anyway, showed it to the girls in melbourne.. certainly a talking point. simone, bec, me, kelly, clea and the…

  • Landed with a bump in melbourne, primarily because of the thumping hangover i left broome with. picked up and whisked away straight into a pub with kate and sam and stretch. then thrown in a hippyesk van to phillip island for a weekend with heidi’s parents. a few golf sticks and a carton of goon…

  • Not much to report. i live in broome. i move out on the 28th.. wet season is nearly here, warm water flows from the cold taps, you risk hospital should you turn on the hot taps! each day is hotter 36+ and more humid, but this only seems to make people happier. the tourists leave…

  • 1st October 2004 I’m back in broome, did i ever mention how much i love Broome? Went camping in the Kimberleys, it was amazing. when I say camping, it was too hot to stay in a tent. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with swags, swags are canvas, foam and mosquito net sleeping bags which…

  • flew to perth to start my south coast trip, but pacey got a job with rip curl and now isn’t going anywhere. he gets free hats ! Where shall i go?

  • Back to australia. didn’t sleep the whole way. back to the lovely shab and buff establishment.

  • The wedding the reason i returned from my travels. Cousin marrys my dear friend kelly. As you may already know i made the happy couple a website, and it’s full of photographs. Fortunately being the photographer, there aren’t too many photos of my rediculous thai suit. BB however did have a camera. That night…

  • The Gibb River Road takes you through the heart of one of Australia’s last wilderness frontiers – The Kimberley Region of Western Australia. 2 days with BB Jane and Fen, one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

    The Gibb River Road
  • I can’t tell you who they are, but this is my go at doing a robert mapplethorpe!

    nudes black and white