I’ve never really been fishing before

I’ve never really been fishing before, and the idea of fishing still doesn’t excite me, but when the opportunity to go on a one off tour in a big 4 wheel drive over some rocks and up some beaches to catch sharks i was front seat. to tell the truth someone else had front seat.

our worldly guide warned us as we were rounding a corner that we were coming up to a ‘thing’ with that the toyota was floored the next to corners were cut, the ‘thing’ turned out to be a wall of sand 20 ft high. once on top of the obstacle we were told how he usually doesn’t make it. cool.

saw this, it’s a lace monitor (‘big lizard’ in latin i believe). cool. view this picture full size (recommended). a bit more off road, then some fishing.

bei caught a shark, of course i caught 2 sharks, both were much bigger than this one. that said this shark was funny, stuffed full of squid and had black ink running down the side of it’s mouth. much like bewsher eating butter at growlers party.

but fish of the day and tasty BBQ dinner goes to little nicky and her big travely. I finding it harder to be unimpressed now – god damn.