my (ben weldon) dot

a creative whiteboard since 1999

hoi an, the home of the wardrobe

hoi an is cool, 100’s of tailors who will make practically anything you like, 4 days later i have a linen suit, 2 pairs of trousers, some shorts and shirts and a plate. all for under £50. mint. if you’re there i recommend the tailors huong xuan at 8 le loi street!

due to some strict drinking laws in hoi an, after hours drinking continues in someone garage about 4km out of town, but the necessary slightly scary motor bike taxis only add to the fun.

i went for a swim, tucker got sunburn. then we hired some £2 a day motor bikes and took our selves off in search of vietnam’s most important centre of the ancient kingdom of Champa. after a few wrong turns and some encouragement from co pilot cotton we guided our honda dreams 2 hours across the country side. with only 1 mile to go tucker was taken out by the vietcong. “mayday, man down”. in reality a friendly local started a conversation with him while they were riding – the road turned to dust – and ben replaced sun burn with dirt.

oh and you must eat cao lao here. it’s a noodle salad.