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Winter in England - GENIUS

28th January 2005

So I returned from oz (for the second time) christmas with the family (it snowed)... ahh. since then i've been stuck to my laptop and the white horse in brixton. though in this time a few great opportunities came up, especially this couple, whom asked me to do a photoshoot for them. this is one of my favourites from the set...

i am always looking for nude models ! (no seriously, i need more lighting practise)

15th March 2005

some times some suprising things happen, new york was one of them...

this is a lomo - view full set - what is lomo?

20th March 2005

puerto rico was another...

 lomo photo - view full set

i like the puerto ricans. apparently they drink more per capita then any other nation. they also seemed to have more cars than america. lot's of bling, big arses and loud latino music. good work puerto rico... keep it up.

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