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Long way to Broome (10 days to be exact)
21st January 2004

it wasn't boring being driven to broome, because i found the dull view so fascinating. i took time from looking out the window to take these pictures out of the window.

denham (600 km from perth)

carnarvon (900 km)

exmouth (1200 km)

tom price (1600 km)

port headland (1900 km)

broome (2332 km)

as you can see it got a bit more cloudy. much like driving to Raymonds Hill from Lyme Regis. (via rome)

22nd January 2004


Miles from anywhere (as usual) we stopped for a piss in a hut. there was lot's of graffiti, one felt tip slogan read "australia makes you believe in god". others had agreed in other coloured felt tips.
a few hours of staring out the window later, thinking how all that land used to be underwater, how the mountains were the shallow bits and it all starts to make sense. WA is the unspoiled 1st edition of earth, the oldest rock formations on the planet. it takes little knowledge of geology to see how the planet was made here.

these are the unashamedly boring stromatolites, not rocks, but single cell bacteria billions of years old, they've been sat on this shore line bubbling oxygen from water before other life on this planet really existed.

they should have written "australia makes you atheists", or in hind site, maybe i should have.

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