extract from email to bei

extract from email to bei

i’ve found the best beach. i was going to carry on traveling but
just like all of my new friends… there seems like little point
going somewhere when it’s going to be worse than the place you are.

there is a funky little bar in the corner of the beach. nice bunch of people just hang around and play chess and frisby, get high, drunk etc. no prostitutes hassling you. no annoying people tugging at your shirt trying to get you to buy some thing.

it’s called tong noi pan, ko phangan, but i’ll give you directions
when you get here.

the food at the bar is amazing, and it all goes on your room bill
with your drinks. 3 nights accommodation, 3 or 4 joy meals a day + 30 hours or more drinking. came to 1600 baht, which is 23 pounds.

i’m going swimming every couple of hours. at night the water glows like blue fire as you move your hand through it because it’s full of phosphorescent plankton.

but anyway

the bar i never left….

chess with perkins, a northerner living in scotland working as a mexican chef. chess score. 32/33 to me. you’re a looser perkins.

and next, my favorite picture of the year.
this is beautiful stu!